Sunday, May 12, 2013

My Secret Weapon Training Routine for Maximum Fat Loss & Lean Sexy Muscle from head to toe!

One of the best ways to train for maximum fat loss is what I call cardio + sculpt & total body sculpting workouts. These workouts are similar to circuit training and incorporate muscle building exercises intermixed with fat blasting cardio intervals. 

Below is my secret weapon training routine that not only melts away stubborn fat, but helps you to build lean sexy muscle from head to toe.

Important Training Tip: 

When creating your workout rotation it is very important to switch up your training method. You never want your body to get use to the same schedule. Mix and match your rotations or follow one rotation for a few weeks before moving onto the next. I recommend following each rotation 2-3 weeks before moving onto the next rotation schedule. But how you train is up to you :)

Rotation #1 

Monday- Total Body Sculpting

Tuesday- Cardio+ Abs

Wed- Cardio + Weights

Thursday- Cardio+Abs

Friday- Total Body Sculpting

Saturday- Cardio+ Abs

Sunday- REST

Rotation # 2

Monday- Lower Body- Heavy

Tuesday- Upper Body- Heavy

WEd- Cardio + Abs

Thursday- Lower Body- Heavy

Friday- Upper Body- Heavy

Saturday- Cardio + Abs

Sun- Rest

Rotation #3

Monday- Cardio + Weights

Tuesday- Cardio + Abs

Wed Cardio + Weights

Thursday- Cardio + Abs

Friday- Cardio + Weights

Saturday- Cardio+Abs

Sun - Rest

**  I will upload a few workout routine formulas & all you have to do is plug them into the designated scheduled slots you see. 

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